Solar Power Explained Simply – How It Works

Solar Power Explained

The sun gives us a lot, but solar power is something that we can harness to help our environment.

Solar panels are becoming more and more popular, so it’s time for you to know what they do and why they’re important.

Read on as I explain solar power in detail!

Table of Contents

What Is Solar Energy?

1. Solar energy is a form of alternative energy that comes from the sun.

The sun is a giant ball of hot, bright gas at the center of our solar system that gives life to everything on Earth.

The energy from the sun becomes trapped in the lighter elements of the air, like oxygen and nitrogen.

The process of generating electricity using solar energy is called photovoltaics.

A device that is used to catch this energy and turn it into electricity is called a solar panel.

2. It can be used to power homes and businesses by converting it into electricity.

Solar energy has been used for thousands of years.

Ancient Greeks used a simple solar energy collector called the “ambrosia,” which was a bowl filled with water that was placed in the sun.

It then heated up, and a small stream of air inside caused bubbles to rise up, creating a constant supply of hot air.

3. The solar panels capture sunlight which generates heat, then converts this thermal energy into electrical current.

The panels are able to convert 12-19% of the energy they capture into electricity.

Less than 1% is left over and unused.

The electrical current is then stored in batteries or fed directly into the grid for immediate use.

4. There are many benefits of using solar power such as renewable, clean, affordable, efficient.

Solar energy is renewable because the sun’s light is a free source of energy.

It is clean because the solar panels do not emit any poisonous or dangerous chemicals.

The sun’s rays do not produce any greenhouse gases, unlike fossil fuels or nuclear energy.

Solar power is also extremely affordable, as the equipment is much cheaper than other energy sources.

5. In some areas like California, you may even qualify for tax credits or rebates if you use solar power!

Other countries like Germany and Japan have already harnessed solar power on a large-scale production level.

Solar energy can power houses, businesses, and schools, but it can also be used to run cars and boats.

6. Some disadvantages include expensive upfront costs and limited availability in certain regions of the world (like cloudy England).

Solar energy is not reliable in high altitudes, as it can’t be captured if the sun’s rays aren’t hitting the panels directly.

There may be times where the panels will simply need to recharge, so it’s best to have a battery backup in case of any emergencies.

Solar energy pros and cons

The pros of solar energy

If you have decided to choose solar power for your home, there must be a great reason!  Solar energy is not only great for the environment, but it is also an affordable and reliable source of power.  It can be used to power your home or even appliances in your vehicle!  If you’re looking to save money on electricity, solar energy may just be what you need!

Here are some reasons why solar panels are great

1. Affordable

Besides having a monetary investment upfront, there are very low maintenance costs associated with solar power.  

Solar panels do not require any energy input from the user to generate electricity and they have no moving parts!

Compare this to the amount of money you will save on your electrical bill each year by using solar power!  

This can be supplemented by a battery backup system or provided through the grid for immediate use.

2. Renewable energy source

Solar power is a clean, renewable energy source that will never run out!  

It is estimated that the sun has enough fuel to provide us with solar power for at least 5 billion years and counting!

3. Environmentally friendly

You’re probably wondering why you should care about this part, but in all actuality, our planet depends on it!  

Did you know that 75% of the world’s population lives within 60 miles of an ocean?  

This means that we are greatly impacted by water pollution and climate change (glacial melting).  

Climate change is also one of the top causes of natural disasters and the loss of thousands of species worldwide.  

Solar power is a clean, pollution-free energy source that does not have any negative effects on the environment or its inhabitants!

4. Sustainability and innovation

Today’s society has become so dependent on technology and electricity that we are now able to survive with only one half of our brain functioning (no matter what you watch on TV).  

Think about how much time you spend outside!

If it isn’t for work, then it must be for fun in some way or another.

However, more often than not, this “fun” involves electronics like phones, computers, ipads/tablets/kindles.

You get the idea!  

These devices are powered by nonrenewable and polluting sources of energy.  

Luckily for us, solar power is rapidly being developed to meet our world’s growing demand in energy!

Now when you think about it, why wouldn’t we want to conserve what little resources we have left?!  

Solar panels help us do exactly that save the planet and preserve its life forms so that our children can enjoy the same benefits as we have today.  

The cons of solar energy

Even though there are numerous benefits associated with choosing solar power, it does have some disadvantages.  

The main issue is that of high initial investment.  

Compared to less efficient sources of energy production, a solar panel system can cost thousands of dollars!

In addition to this, the maintenance and upkeep also cost money, but don’t you think this is worth it when you consider all the long-term benefits?

Solar panels may be expensive now, but in five years time they’ll probably be more affordable than ever before!

So if you’re interested in getting on board the solar train, better hop off the regular track and catch up with us today!

Here’s a list of some cons to be aware of:

1. High initial investment

The main con to solar panels is the high upfront cost.  

However, it’s important to note that you will be saving money over time!

2. Maintenance costs

Solar panels require no maintenance as long as they are not broken or damaged in any way.

However, there are some things that do require regular upkeep like cleaning, recharging batteries and replacing parts if necessary

(note: this rarely happens with today’s newer solar panel systems).

3. Rooftop space limits

Some people live in little cubicles called apartments with roofs that barely have enough room for two-inches of snow to accumulate.

let alone mount a solar panel system!

4. Short Usually, solar panels are not used for generating energy on a day-to-day basis.

They tend to work best when there is sunlight, but otherwise you will have to rely on your backup energy source.

5. Effects of global warming

Solar panels do not make use of any fossil fuels (which reduces carbon emissions).

However, they still need the sun’s rays so global warming affects them just as it affects us all!

Frequency asked question from our readers

What is solar?

Solar is a sustainable source of energy that we can use to power homes and other buildings, or even drive cars.  

With the rising cost of traditional energy sources, solar power has become a viable alternative for many different purposes.  

As it does not incur any harmful side-effects or environmental damage, solar power is also a much cleaner and safer source of energy.

What is solar power?

Solar power is the conversion of sunlight into electricity, either directly using photovoltaics, or indirectly using concentrated solar power (CSP).

it is a form of clean energy that does not produce any air pollution or greenhouse gases during operation and also consumes little water. It can be used directly (as in solar heating), or indirectly.

(using photovoltaics or concentrated solar power).

What is solar electricity?

Solar electricity is another term for the electrical power generated by solar panels.  

The sunlight shining on these panels is transformed into electricity, and then used to power your home or some other device!

Where does solar energy come from?

Solar energy comes from the sun, one of the Earth’s closest neighbors.  

It is a radiant light and heat source, as well as a giant nuclear reactor.  

When the sun’s rays hit the earth, it creates alternating currents of electrons within atoms and molecules which can be harnessed into energy.  

Some solar panels are capable of creating more than 150 watts, which is enough energy to run a small refrigerator.


We hope this article has been helpful in answering some questions about solar energy and that you are now more informed on how it works.

If not, we have a list of other resources at the end of this post where you can find even more information!

Let us know what your thoughts are by leaving a comment below or connecting with us on social media!

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