Can Wind Energy Be A Part Of The Energy Transition?

Wind Energy

“Is Wind A Real Alternative Energy?

I was in a discussion about wind energy the other day and thought I might share a some of it with you.

My good friend Bill is of the unshakable opinion (most of Bill’s considered opinions are somewhat unshakable) that wind energy is the cleanest form of renewable green energy.

He reminds me that one can build their very own wind turbine project kit from plans that are available.

The project kits come with compete instructions.
Having said that, please keep in mind that you need a bit more than a pair of pliers to build it.

In fact, see my recent article here on E-Zine entitled “”Can I Build A Home Power Generation Product With Just A Pair Of Pliers?”” A lot of advertising entices you to think that you can build such a project with no tools or knowledge of building.

See my article for what you do need. It’s not rocket science, but you do need to know what you are doing and the knowledge is fairly easy to obtain.

Also, if you read my article, I did not spend a lot of time on a multi-meter. I have written several articles since on the meter or you can find some good information online.

Know what you are doing. Foolishness can be fatal with electrical work!
Bill mentioned that if you have a wind turbine, you can get (almost) free electrical power as well as being a boon for our environment.

He stresses that you can sell your excess power to the power generation plant or store it in batteries for future use.

It certainly is true that a wind turbine would be a splendid reply to the rising cost of energy.

It is also true that the cost of fossil fuel (along with our rising fuel-dependency on people who hate us) makes this a great way to respond to our ever-increasing need.

There is no way around the fact that we do need energy. And so much more than ten years ago.

I was quick to point out to Bill that wind is not our only choice. i like solar really well.

It is clean and in my part of the world the sun rarely ever stays hidden for long. Yes, and I also had to agree that the price of my solar panels was pretty significant.

Not to mention their limited energy output. Bill brought out the unshakable fact that when the wind blows in Texas, it doesn’t mess around. And he was just as quick to point out that solar panels are a fine addition to his wind power output.

He uses the panels on his roof and they supply a lot of additional power.
We talked about the fact that nuclear power is a real energy source around the world.

But the cost to build this type of power plant is pretty darn high, not to mention the opposition you are going to find whenever the subject is brought up.

Every since Chernobyl and Three Mile Island, people are pretty adamant on the subject. Not in my backyard sort of thing.

That having been said, nuclear power will probably be a significant part of the energy generated for the world for the foreseeable future. If they are build properly and with a lot of safeguards, I suppose they can be pretty useful and safe. Still, I think most people would at least pause on the subject.

But back to wind. I had to agree with Bill that for all around general small scale electrical power generation, wind is a pretty dog gone good source. No question on that. In fact, I believe that small individual owned power generation turbines will supply a large percentage of our country’s power generation in the fairly near future.

A large percentage.
I see a lot of local companies that offer wind power generation projects especially for rural property owners here in Texas. (Most city codes will not allow turbine towers at all.) I see more towers all the time.

I have been surprised more than once to see the blades spinning away with nothing but a small breeze. It doesn’t take a lot.

I would not be surprised to see in the fairly near future that the individuals who have built their own generators will be among the few families around that have power at all as the supply of fuel dwindles and the price increases dramatically.

I know a lot of people are shelling out big bucks to have their own electrical power generators. But I know a lot of folks who don’t have the big bucks and can save a lot by building it themselves.

This is a great alternative. Just be sure you have the knowledge and the tools to do it. It’s not rocketry at all, but you do need some knowledge and ability with tools. Just take it seriously and don’t build it with a few cases of beer. This is serious stuff. Anything electrical is. Foolishness can be very dangerous. Foolishness can be fatal.

If you decide to do this. Check out the company and be sure. If you decide to go online, there are lots of online scams out there. Be careful and watch what you are buying and insist on a guarantee long enough to make sure you can do it. And make sure to make those companies selling the projects to stand by their products!

Then do it. Don’t mess around. This is not a model airplane you can do improperly and it won’t matter. This is serious stuff. Just do it. And do it right!”